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Edited by Claire Miot, Guillaume Piketty, Thomas Vaisset
Numéro 6
This book aims to question the specificities – or non-specificities – of the commitment of military people to the resistances. It will notably consider the tensions between the fact of being trained to obey orders, on the one part, and that of complying with an ethos gratifying the refusal to surrender and thus of joining a resistance organization,

Edited by Emmanuel Cardona Gil, Sébastien Jakubowski
Numéro 4
The world changes. Armies evolve and must adapt to this new environment. The researchers and professionals gathered in this book analyze the contemporary armies in their relationship to the social and political environment and in their internal evolutions

Edited by Emmanuelle Cronier, Benjamin Deruelle
Argumenter en guerre
Discours de guerre, sur la guerre et dans la guerre de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Numéro 3
The art of argumentation does not yield its rights in war situations. On the contrary, the preparation of conflicts, the conduct of operations and the reconstruction of peace are intense moments of persuasion, negotiation and confrontation in which public speaking occupies its full place.

Philippe Diest
Numéro 2
To defend its territory and constitute its army, the French Republic engaged into deep military reforms after French-Prussian war. Numerous military buildings were then built or modernized.

Edited by Olivia Carpi
Guerres et paix civiles de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Les sociétés face à elles-mêmes
Numéro 1
Although civil wars remain consubstantial with any form of society, structurally and circumstantially threatened with splitting, or even bursting and, therefore, tipping into a multiform and often paroxysmal violence, this type of conflict has long struggled to find its place in the scientific field.

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille